• OpenOffice 4 für Ein- und Umsteiger – Jörg Schieb

OpenOffice 4 for beginners and changers – Jörg Schieb

This book by the famous IT author and TV journalist Jörg Schieb, makes it easier for you to switch to OpenOffice 4.

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This book by the well-known IT author and TV journalist Jörg Schieb, makes it easier for you to switch to the current version 4 of OpenOffice.

If you need a powerful and easy-to-use program for editing documents, spreadsheets or presentations, you should pay attention to OpenOffice. The Apache OpenOffice Suite is completely free to use and offers the following programs for working successfully in the office and home office.

  • Writer for documents
  • Calc for tables
  • Impress for presentations
  • Draw for drawings
  • Math for formulas
  • Base for databases

The book is divided into two parts:
Part I highlights what OpenOffice is actually about. Which individual programs are behind this? How did OpenOffice come about? Where can I download the software and set it up on my own desktop or mobile device?

Part II takes a closer look at each of OpenOffice’s subprograms and gives the reader helpful tips and tricks that make everyday office work easier.


  • All programs from OpenOffice 4.1.x are explained by the well-known IT author and TV journalist Jörg Schieb.
  • Includes many step-by-step instructions.
  • Many practical tips and tricks for working with Open Office 4.1.x on 324 pages.

For the download version (ESD):
PDF version: Program for displaying PDF files. For example, the free “Adobe Acrobat Reader” (https://get.adobe.com/de/reader/)
ePub Version: Program for displaying ePub files. For example, the open source program “Caliber” (https://calibre-ebook.com/download)

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