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Beware of a new wave of attacks via phishing emails with the subject: “You have received a file via WeTransfer”.

It remains exciting and the attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated. In the past, we received phishing emails from unknown senders in poor German or English. Nowadays, they are from known senders with halfway comprehensible content in the subject line.

Beware of a new wave of attacks via phishing emails with the subject: “You have received a file via WeTransfer”.2022-09-29T21:06:40+02:00

How can attackers compromise the IT infrastructure from the outside?

A typical attack on the IT infrastructure of companies is carried out in 3 steps. Search for vulnerabilities Attackers first look for vulnerabilities in the system. This can be unbiased emails to employees, e.g. an inconspicuous invoice email to the accounting department. Network printers with open ports, IoT devices with old firmware or even routers whose known vulnerabilities have not been closed. In addition, danger can come from websites that have already been infected with malicious code and whose operators do not have enough resources to constantly pay attention to the security of their own websites. Once the malicious code has [...]

How can attackers compromise the IT infrastructure from the outside?2022-09-29T21:06:58+02:00


With a global security infrastructure protecting half a billion people, visionary solutions and countless awards, Bitdefender has been trusted by people and businesses since 2001. Bitdefender is used by government agencies, corporations, small and medium-sized businesses and individuals in over 150 countries. With over 1,600 employees and more than 800 engineers and researchers, Bitdefender is one of the most innovative IT security software companies in the world today. Founded in 2004, EaseUS is a world-leading software company for data recovery, partition management and data protection. EaseUS is concerned with data security and optimized user experiences. Through [...]

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